Mummy’s little helpers

I’ve really struggled with getting my children to tidy up and help with little things around the house. I’ve tried to think of ‘out of the box’ ways to motivate them.

I explained to them that their toys need to go back to their ‘houses’ and that if they don’t then they’ll feel like they don’t belong anywhere and no one wants to feel like that. That worked for about a week.

I had them label all of their toy boxes to help them with organisation. Again, worked for about a week.

I modelled and they just watched 😒

I showed the youngest a video of a monkey cleaning on You Tube. She now regularly cleans the kitchen table – I always knew she was a monkey 🐒

My husband, fed up of my moans and groans, bought them super girl costumes today. He told me to get them to wear them whenever I need them to help so they will feel good about what they are doing. I love love love this idea! I haven’t implemented it yet but I’m sure it will be a success!

What ‘out of the box’ ideas work for you?

No more relaxers

So it has been two years since I blogged about my hair. At that time I made a dumb mistake with my relaxer and was seriously annoyed with myself. I have relaxed my hair myself since I was a teenager. I am not keen on hairdressers and generally do everything to my hair myself. However, with relaxing I need to be in the right mood and having children around when you are using harsh chemicals is not ideal. I found myself rushing my relaxers just to get them done and I was not taking the care that I normally do. My hair was still healthy and manageable but I had different textures in places, which was annoying.

After the last rush relaxer I did in October 2014, I ended up ill because I did it late at night and stupidly slept on semi-damp hair! I decided not to do it anymore. I was fed up of waiting for a time that hubby was at home and no one would interrupt me and fed up of not being able to itch my scalp for a few days before. I hate rushing things and not doing them properly so no more relaxers!!


Look through your drawers!!

Panties, knickers, briefs…..what ever you call them, have a read!

Tiffany Jades Lingerie

I am not ashamed to admit it. When I look in my drawers, there are panties that I have owned for many, many years. My bra drawer is even worst!

Why do we think we need new clothes whenever the season changes but we do not pay the same attention to our underwear? Over the years we put on/lose weight, bras become slacker and breast size also goes up and down. We NEED new underwear. On a regular basis, we should treat ourselves to new underwear just like we do with clothes. Winter is coming and I am sure a lot of you are considering a new winter coat!

At Tiffany Jades Lingerie we have offers to help you treat yourself to some new underwear: Tiffany Jades Lingerie - Precious Panties

Save £5 when you spend £30 on panties

We offer sexy briefs, thongs and shorts but we also offer gorgeous and practical everyday panties. Have…

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An Open Letter To Ellen DeGeneres

Wow Ellen DeGeneres can not ignore this post! Just brilliant 🙂

You've Been Hooked!

Dearest Ellen,

Hello. How are you? That’s great to hear, seriously. Listen, I know you’ve got a full plate in front of you right now (Okay, maybe not literally; you don’t look like you eat that much, to be honest. However, I stand by the statement.), especially considering how many challenges you have to deal with right now.

  • Voicing animated fish is no mean feat. (How do they record your voice underwater anyway?)
  • Arranging for Sofía Vergara to be “accidentally” deported so you can be the reigning CoverGirl has to be a lot of work.
  • Teaching millions of people to dance like no one is watching while hosting a kick-butt talk show must be exhausting. And sweaty, no doubt.

Normally I use this forum to write about my life as a bellman in Niagara Falls, but today I want to write to you from my heart.

I’ve been married to…

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