Back to Uni….well I never went in the first place :/

One reason I have not blogged for so long is that I started a psychology degree in 2014. I have always been interested in psychology but never really considered it as a career. A lot of friends and family think that my interest comes from my experience of autism with my daughter but that is only part of it.

I have always been interested in why people do the things that they do and also mental disorders. How does the brain work, what happens when things go wrong? I have a broad interest and found myself reading books and googling psychological topics so I thought I might as well do a degree, right?

I did not go to university after college. It was not the right thing for me at the time and I do not regret that decision. I had a successful career in the travel industry and did not need a degree (and student debt) to achieve it. Now is the perfect time for me to continue education and I am loving it. I can apply life experience to my studies and I am working towards a clear(ish) goal.

I am now half way through my degree, literally wishing summer was over so I can start studying again. I have already chosen the PhD and university that I want to move onto afterwards and I am so excited! However the graduation gown is not very pretty 😦 lol

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